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From July 24-27, 2024, over 1300 people gathered in Louisville, KY, to participate in WorshipGod24. Our theme was One with Christ: How our Union with Christ Affects Everything.

We sang. We laughed and learned. We cried tears of joy and repentance. We ate. We fellowshipped. We marveled and reflected. We grew – in our relationship with God and each other.

Before the conference even started, around 250 people attended Master Classes on Wednesday afternoon for pianists, bass players and drummers, guitarists, vocalists, and a general class on Habits of Grace taught by David Mathis. The Master Classes focused on technical skills for musicians, who make up the majority of WorshipGod attendees.

Messages and Music

During the actual conference, we heard from John Piper, HB Charles, Jr., Josh Blount, Devon Kauflin, Mike Bullmore, and Jared Mellinger on how our union with Christ is meant to be faith-building, significant, comforting, and joy-producing. As Jared Mellinger reminded us, “The whole anthem of the Christian life is, ‘Christ he lives!’”

The singing at WorshipGod conferences is loud. Really loud. We experienced passion, joy, reverence, celebration, tears, and more as we lifted our voices. Even when we sang in another language as Jonathan & Sarah Jerez and Fabrizio Rodulfo led us in a bi-lingual session!

On Thursday night we sang through the 13 songs from our Knowing God album and ended with a nearly a cappella version of “Crown Him with Many Crowns.” A number of people referenced that as one of the conference highlights.

We also invited some musical friends to the conference to share their Songs and Stories with us. Caroline Cobb, Jordan Kauflin, Ben Shive, Skye Peterson, Colin Buchanan, Adam Wright of Corner Room Music, and Sovereign Grace Music’s David Zimmer and Nathan Stiff sang songs for congregational worship, kids songs, and Scripture memory songs they’ve written to serve the church. 

More Stuff

WorshipGod24 included two shorter FOCUS talks by Bob Kauflin (lyric projection) and Colin Buchanan (Communicating Big Truths to Little Hearts). Attendees could attend two of seven seminars aimed at leaders, musicians, and a more general audience. Those included topics like Cultivating a Shepherd’s Heart for Your Church, The Ideal Team Member, How We Write Sovereign Grace Songs, Bringing Light to our Blindspots, and a session on arranging with Ben Shive. 

Giveaways are always a part of WorshipGod conferences and WorshipGod24 was no exception. Through the generosity of Desiring God and Crossway we gave a copy of Tony Reinke’s Ask Pastor John to someone from every household. We also gave away almost 30 books, a bass guitar, two acoustic guitars, guitar and bass strings, guitar pedals, drum equipment, mics and stands, a record player, and some newly minted Sovereign Grace Music travel mugs, t-shirts, and hoodies.

What It All Means

While we love conferences, Jesus didn’t come to build a conference. He came to build his Church. That’s why we’re grateful that people left WorshipGod24 more eager than ever to serve their local congregations. 

We’re also grateful that we can equip people in the skills of planning, leading, projecting, amplifying, and writing songs for congregational worship without making them the main point. Everything we do only has value only as it moves people to greater affection for the mercy, love, and grace God has shown us in giving his Son, who is not only our Savior, but our life.

And we believe those who came to the conference went away with fresh faith for how being united with Christ in his perfect life, atoning death, and victorious resurrection changes everything.

And if you weren’t able to make it, you can start planning for WorshipGod26, July 28-31. We’d love to see you there!